Monday, April 22, 2019

Not Safe For Tumblr

I'm officially a producer of adult content. At least, that's what Tumblr would have the world to believe.

In the previous blog post, I posted a comic from my "In The Way" series. I have that up on Tumblr and I decided to go over there just to check to see if it's still up and running. That's when I saw this:

Now, just for the record, the comic that is in question (#90 "Arctic Sunset," the latest and last in the series) is this one:

Saucy, I know.

What exactly is Tumblr seeing in this comic that is "adult content"? According to Tumblr...

Do you see any of that in my comic? I don't. I appealed this decision so that may turn it around. That said, by the time anyone reads this blog post, I may have moved all these comics back to my own site so that I don't have to worry about this happening again.

Silly thing is, I placed all these comics on Tumblr so that I wouldn't have to worry about them. I guess there's no way to get around it.

That brings me to another question: will the host site I work with also flag me and restrict my content? Who knows? I guess I'll cross that bridge if/when I get to it.

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